Who is ©-info meant for?
©-info is meant for website operators, content creators and content users. ©-info helps with finding and communicating author and usage information.
What kind of information is included in the ©-info icon?
Clicking on the ©-info icon opens a window that shows the author details and usage rights of the content on the website.
What is the purpose of the ©-info service?
The purpose of ©-info is to make it easier to find author and usage information on websites. The contents have their authors and copyright holders. It is in everyone’s best interest that the usage rights are easy to find and the contents can be utilised while respecting copyright.
How can I add the icon to my PDF file, such as an article or brochure?
You can add the icon to your file by filling in the order form and uploading your PDF file via the form. A copy of the file with the ©-info icon added will be sent to the email address that you entered on the form.
How can I get the ©-info icon on my own website?
By filling in the order form you get a code to your email, which can be added to your website. Fill in the author details of the content on your website on the form (such as the authors of the images and text) and choose the usage rights from the options on the form. If you do not know how to add the code on your website yourself, ask your webmaster for help.
What does the use of the icon require from the website operator?
The use of the icon does not require anything from the website operator other than installing the icon on the website.
Can I change the content information of the icon afterwards?
You can order a new code for the icon and replace the icon or re-download the icon for a PDF file at any time. This allows you to change the author details or usage rights. Remember that copyright always belongs to the original author unless you have agreed upon the transfer of copyright with the author.
What does the ©-info icon look like?
You can choose the website icon from four different options, presented below. For the PDF icon, you can select either a white or black background.

Can I change the shape or colours of the icon?
The shape or colour of the ©-info icon cannot be changed. The icon is meant to be consistent and easily identifiable for the user.
Who is the author of the content?
The author is the person who has created the work, such as the writer of an article, photographer, composer, lyricist, video maker, etc. The author can transfer their rights either entirely or partially to someone else, such as a publisher, producer or their employer, for instance. In this case, the recipient becomes the copyright holder.
How does the ©-info icon affect the performance of my website?
Minimally. When your website is loaded, only the icon web component is retrieved from Kopiosto’s servers. The web component has a 100 KB transfer size. Other standard text content (4KB transfer size) connected to the plugin is only retrieved when clicking on the icon.
The web component and the plugin’s text content are downloaded from Amazon’s high-speed cloud services. All data transfer uses SSL connections.
What kind of information does ©-info collect from my website or file?
In addition to the information sent through the ©-info order form, only data on the usage volumes of the icon will be sent to Kopiosto. This means the number of times the ©-info icon has been opened on each website.
No information is sent to Kopiosto regarding the people or devices browsing the website or viewing the file.
How is ©-info kept up to date?
Kopiosto keeps the general texts and stylisations behind the ©-info icon up to date. Updating this information does not require actions from the user.
If the information regarding the copyrighted material changes (e.g. the name of an image’s author changes) you can either order a new icon with the plugin order form or change the previously ordered code yourself.
How do I start using ©-info?
See more detailed information on activating the plugin here.
What do I do if the ©-info icon does not work on my website or file?
If you have technical problems with the icon, please contact us.
Who created the ©-info service?
The ©-info service was produced in a project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, carried out by Kopiosto. The ©-info website is managed by Kopiosto.